Sunday, May 23, 2010

Turning of the Tides

I am expecting a lot of "I told you so's" but as a long life PC/Microsoft advocate and user I am starting to imagine life without Microsoft. I guess the reason is simple, I am just disappointed that they have not been able to innovate as the competition has. Critics have been predicting the end of the Microsoft era for a while now yet it continues to be a monster with more than 50 billion in revenues a year and an ever expanding product base (Xbox, mobile phones, etc...)

Why am I now starting to think that maybe Microsoft's dominance is coming to an end?

I guess the answer came to me in Enrique Dans lecture. In the past, a computer without a word processor, excel, and other office tools was just another decoration accessory in the office or home. Today, as the professor highlighted, a computer without internet connection is really just useless. As I reflect on this statement I notice that I can perfectly survive without any Microsoft influence in my life something I thought was imposible to do in the past. No Microsoft no problem, I have Google and Apple.

Microsoft's bread and butter business continues to be its Windows and Office software sales. Both software applications have remained essentially the same for years now and with no significant improvements. People continued to flock to these products because of a lack of other options.

Today that is not the case. Google has developed Google docs an application software that can serve any type of business whose basic needs are the essential functions of a word, powerpoint or excel program. Given that an internet connection is a given now a days this is a very good second option to have and is sure to cause Microsoft some headaches. Microsoft recently responded to this threat by offering its Office programs online as well. Maybe its just too little too late.

Then we have Windows. We all know that Vista turned out to be a complete failure. Even a Microsoft advocate at the time recognized that. Now we continue to see more of the same and some copying from Apple features. In order for Windows to run adequately you need to purchase a super computer with all the memory and processor capacity possible. Not the case with Apple computers. What I dont understand is how is a company who spends 10 billion a year in R&D continues to be behind the curve. Moreover, Apple computers reliability over PC continues to grow exponentially. Again this is Microsoft's bread and butter business, if they start to falter in this area the company as a whole could be in jeopardy.

Before I started my master here at IE I purchased a laptop counting on Windows 7 and hoping it would make me proud. I feel this could be my last Windows/PC laptop, and if I am starting to feel like this then I'm thiking others will do the same eventually.

Below please check links comparing Microsoft Office with Google docs and another comparing Apples OS Snow Leopard to Windows 7.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Ramon, and hopefully you will soon be an Apple user too =)

    I just want to disagree with you in one point. I don't think Microsoft will come to an end, it will just be reduced, buts thats ok so. (Microsoft Windows continue to have 91% market share!).

    Of course there are now more alternatives as you explained. I am a happy Apple user since the last 5 years and don't regret the switch at all! But the fact is that I am still in the minority here (Mac has only 5% market share, and I am ok with that. I dont want Apple to become a Microsoft!).

    Now, talking about mobile software, here Microsoft has do lost its presence in the game with only 7% market share.

    Maybe besides its CEO, I am confident that Microsoft hast plenty of bright people looking out how to get the company out of this mess. And I am sure they will come with something good soon. They do have interesting projects in the pipeline (see my blog for more info =)
